oral surgeon los angeles

Understanding the 4 Stages of Dental Implant Placement with Your Oral Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA

Advancements in dentistry have made it easier to restore your smile after losing a tooth or multiple teeth. In fact, dental implant placement is one of the most trusted procedures for replacing a missing tooth. By visiting your oral surgeon in Los Angeles, CA, you can learn more about what to expect with the procedure and if dental implants are the best option for restoring your smile.

What to Expect

First, your oral surgeon will cut open your gum and drill a hole into the jawbone where the dental implant metal post will be placed. The oral surgeon will give you a painkiller so you should not feel much, if any, pain. The metal implant post will be the new “root” for your future new “tooth” (the implant).

After the metal implant post is put in, you can have a temporary false tooth placed on top while the implant post unites with your jawbone (osseointegration). This process can take several months.

Second, the oral surgeon will attach an abutment to the dental implant metal post. Sometimes, the abutment is attached to the dental implant metal post in the first stage. Either way, the abutment will stick up, just above the gumline, to hold the future implant.

Third, after about 2-3 weeks, your dentist will make an impression of your mouth and nearby teeth to order to make an artificial tooth that fits perfectly in your mouth.

Fourth, the implant (artificial tooth) is tightly screwed into the abutment by a dentist. Your new implant should fit in with your other teeth and match them in size and color.

After the implant placement is complete, you will be able to smile with confidence.

Schedule Your Consultation

To learn more about what to expect with dental implants, contact your oral surgeon in Los Angeles to schedule your appointment today!